Hi, I'm Jason 🐷

I'm a cognitive science researcher turned software developer


Image of Reddit Top Posts Heatmap

Reddit Top Posts Heatmap

Quickly find out the best time to generate the most impact on your favorite subreddit.

Utilizing Reddit's API, the user can search a subreddit and then visualize the top 100 posts made within the last year in a heatmap. Then, to further inspect the data, the user can select on an occupied heatmap cell to view the respective posts.

For later viewing, the user can: create an account, save their heatmap, and then view their snapshot at any time.

  • React
  • React Router
  • TypeScript
  • Styled Components
  • Fetch API
  • Firebase
  • Firestore
  • Netlify
Image of Storybook React UI Kit

Storybook React UI Kit

Following a freely available Figma design file, I implemented 20 unique modern UI components, such as checkboxes, toggles, and dropdown menus, with Storybook and CSS.

Each component is fit with dynamic and responsive states, and many have access to different colored themes and simulate data handling via Storybook's actions addon.

  • React
  • StorybookJS
  • Styled Components
  • Styled Icons
  • Netlify
Image of My Website

My Website

Leveraging the fast loading speed and great SEO ranking of static HTML (compared to your traditional React app), I created my personal React website using GatsbyJS. Further, I deployed my website with Netlify's CMS for easy on-the-fly updating, editing, and continuous deployment.

To handle email functionality with my staticly rendered webpage, I utilized Netlify's Lambda Functions and Sendgrid.

  • React
  • GatsbyJS
  • GraphQL
  • Netlify
  • Netlify CMS
  • Styled Components
  • Sal
  • Sendgrid


I love learning and solving problems. Nothing excites me more than solving a new bug or error. Deducing what works and what doesn't. Researching and proposing different models and mechanisms that might explain what is going on. Synthesizing everything together into an implementable solution. Then, finally, the sweet satisfaction of a console with nothing but green checkmarks and a list of successfully passed tests.

I discovered my passion for programming while developing programs for psychology experiments in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, and then analyzing the data collected with those programs in R and Python. I've always had an interest in programming but it wasn't until I worked as a lab manager and research assistant in a cognitive neuroscience laboratory at my alma mater Cornell University, that I finally sunk my teeth into coding. Now, I have combined my love for learning and solving problems with my passion for programming and am eager to take on new problems in software development.


Tools come and go, but what stays are the ways those tools helped one think about and solve a problem. I am always learning new tools and refreshing old ones, this is one of the most exciting and fun parts of programming. Here is a list of some of the current tools I use:


  • JavaScriptJavaScript icon
  • HTMLHTML icon
  • CSSCSS icon
  • SASSSASS icon
  • ReactReact icon
  • Styled ComponentsStyled Components icon
  • GatsbyJSGatsbyJS icon
  • StorybookJSStorybookJS icon


  • NodeJS NodeJS icon
  • Python Python icon
  • Firebase Firebase icon
  • Netlify Netlify icon


  • Git Git icon
  • Unix Unix icon
  • TypeScript TypeScript icon
  • R R icon
  • Vim Vim icon


Any questions? 📬

Message me and I'll get right back to you!

Check me out on Github or Linked.

Thank you for your message! 📩

© 2022, Jason Hamm. All Rights Reserved.